Have the QRacing Uploader ready and join the ranking in QRacing Web.
Backup the racing record from QRacing PC to cloud.
-Easy to setup for free
It takes few minutes for installation. QRacing Uploader is a free program.
-New QRacing software services
QRacing PC synchronizes the data to QRacing Web directly and save the race record in cloud.
-Register a QRacing Web Account
-Install QRacing Uploader
-Select the sessions you would like to upload from QRacing PC
-Login your QRacing Web account
Available for
QRacing Uploader, specially-designed software for QRacing PC Users. QRacing Uploader can support users transfer the racing record from PC to Pad. This is no need for complicated set up and you can easily view the racing track anywhere. Otherwise, users can beat the best time on QRacing Web and join the ranking in circuits all the time. QRacing Uploader is definitely being an easy tool for everyone.